Contact and Bookings

For any 'Game of Thrones' fans out there I do not use ravens.

The only way to make a booking is to contact me initially via the email address listed below.

A brief email needs to tell me location and what activities you want me to present, including return contact details (email and telephone) for me to discuss any proposed event or visit. 

For any booking,  current fees (2021) are as outlined below. 



School visit (includes optional assembly and four one hour sessions)    £250   

Half-day (includes optional assembly and two one hour sesssions)    £125

Birthday Party (2 hours)   £100     Wedding (2 hours)    £100     Corporate Event (2 hours) £200    

Filming and still photographs          Negotiable rates available on request

*There will be a small additonal cost for extra hisotrical characters to take part in any activity.



I am available for charity events.

Only minmimal travel costs may be charged for any charity event.  There is no fee.

Based just outside Cardiff, South Wales

Available      Monday - Saturday

Daytime and evening events