My name is Sir Michael. I am a knight in the order of the Knights Templar and I hold the rank of Marshal. I have served in the ranks of the Templars since 1120 CE, when my order was first formed to protect pilgrims on their journey to the holy city of Jerusalem.
Most of my life has been spent waging war against brigands and thieves in the Holy Land.
As Marshal I am now the senior battlefield commander of all Templars.
I have many stories to recount of my adventures and hope to share them with you one day.
'God Wills It'.
Warrior Monk
Others call me a warrior monk. I have taken vows to serve holy mother Church and because of my vows I wear the red cross of a crusader on my surcoat and on my shield.
Each day begins with the celebration of Mass and every day is punctuated with prayers.
You may know the 'Our Father' prayer. We say it many times each day.
We call it the 'Pater Noster'.
People always ask me if the chainmail armour is heavy.
For you it is, but not for me, because I wear it every day.
And it has saved my life many times...